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English PDF update

As we approach, HaShem helping, the launch of the print-on-demand editions, we have updated the English PDF file with a new one that corrects a number of typos and grammatical errors. As it is identical to the text of the print edition, it includes a reference to the cover on the last page. However, the cover itself is not included at this time.

We hope that in the near future we will be able to offer for download one or more versions in the EPUB format. These will be more convenient for viewing on hand-held devices than the PDF versions are.

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Both PDF editions updated

This should be the last set of updates. We promise. Bli neder.

Please delete any prior version you may have downloaded and substitute this one.

The layout in these files is formatted for printing as a 5.5″ x 8.5″ book. This means that when viewed on a screen,

  • in the Hebrew edition the text will be slightly to the left of center on odd-numbered pages and slightly to the right of center on even-numbered ones, but
  • in the English edition the text will be slightly to the right of center on odd-numbered pages and slightly to the left of center on even-numbered ones.

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Hebrew PDF final

We have updated the Hebrew PDF with what is (we certainly hope!) the final version of the text. Please delete any prior version you may have downloaded, and substitute this one.

The layout in this file is formatted for printing as a 5.5″ x 8.5″ book. This means that when viewed on a screen, the text will be slightly to the left of center on odd-numbered pages and slightly to the right of center on even-numbered ones.

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English PDF updated

This update makes small but important revisions to the text on pages 71 and 106-07, updates the terms and conditions on page ii, corrects a clerical error on page 199, and corrects errors of punctuation and capitalization in about four or five other places.

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English PDF available for download

Happy to announce that the first “real” download is available: the English version in PDF format. Please download, read, share and comment on!

Note: We have done everything possible to identify and correct errors. But if you find one that we missed (misspelled word, wrong page reference, etc.), please let us know via the page titled Send us your thoughts. We greatly appreciate it.

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Our new website

Welcome to our new website. Note that this site is still under development, and so you shouldn’t expect to find anything interesting here for a while.