
Any errata we identify, including any reliable errata reports sent to us via Send us your thoughts, for which we are most grateful, will be posted here, and corrected as soon as we can in the ebook editions available for download on this website. If you wish to republish the book (see reverse side of title page), you are allowed and encouraged to apply errata posted here to the text. (In general, a republished edition cannot include changes from the original published version.)

Note that errata include things like a misspelled word or a wrong page reference. “Macro level” objections, such as disputing a factual claim or pointing out where you think an argument is not well-supported, do not fall into this category. We are happy to hear about them also, and may (or may not) respond to them in a News item, but you should not expect to see them here.

So far, no errata have been reported.