The second edition of ממרא was published during the first half of October 2024. All content on the website has been updated to reflect this, including the downloadable versions and the links to purchase physical copies.
The following “Note to the Second Edition,” found on page viii of the book, explains why there is a second edition and what has been changed.
When this book was completed and published, I did not expect that I would ever need to return to it. Tam v’nishlam. But on Simhat Torah, 5784, our world changed in many ways. Most of them are outside the scope of this book, but some fall squarely within it. To pretend that these changes had not happened seemed to me out of the question, so I concluded, reluctantly, that there would have to be a second edition in which they are addressed. If you read the book in order from beginning to end, you will, in due course, come upon a page or two where I discuss them. I also took this opportunity to add one more end note (regarding a letter of Rav Kook that I only learned of after the book was published) and to correct one reference in a footnote.