No revenue, no data

With a few exceptions, most websites that you see are there to make money from your visit. They do this in one of a few ways:

  • They sell you a product or service that you can order on the website itself. (This may include putting some of their content behind a paywall.)
  • They promote a business that cannot sell on the website itself (e.g. a carwash), which they hope you will patronize.
  • They use advertising or affiliate links to send you to another place on the Web that is interested in your business, receiving a share of the profit from it in return.
  • They gather information about you and sell it to someone.
  • Some combination of the above.

There is nothing unethical or dishonest about this, so long as they don’t try to hide from you what they are doing. But it’s not what we’re here for. We are here to promote the book Mamre, by Aharon Aurivenisi, to readers who would benefit from it. (If you’re not sure if that includes you or not, check out the excerpt from chapter 1.)

So we have adopted the following two organizing principles for the website:

  • We will not receive any revenue from the website, either as cash or cash-equivalents.
  • We will not collect, store or provide a third party with access to any data about visitors to the website beyond what is absolutely necessary to provide the free services that we make available, to keep the website functioning properly, and to comply with legal requirements.

This means no donations. No affiliate links. No advertising. We will never sell your data to anyone. (In fact, we probably won’t have it in the first place.) And the ebook editions of the book available for download here will always be free. Nor does the book itself try to make money for us by selling you any product or service.

On the page titled print-on-demand editions (see menu), we direct you to places where you can order a printed copy of the book. If you buy something there, you will need to pay for it, of course, since paper and ink aren’t free (not to mention salaries, rent, electricity, etc.), but we will not receive any share of whatever you pay, i.e. we earn no royalties or referral fees.

If you choose to send us a message via Send us your thoughts, you may be required to prove that you are human by solving an “hCaptcha” puzzle. When you do so, this may earn a very small commission, that would normally be paid to us. However, we have elected to have any such funds paid directly to a charitable organization instead.

This page provides general information about our philosophy and intentions. It should be read in combination with our Privacy Policy page and the various other pages that it makes reference to.